
Ace & Aro Community Work

Aces NYC

In 2012 Bauer founded Aces NYC, a group of asexual people and allies who like to get together in person in and around New York City.

Ace Conferences

Bauer co-ran the 2019 Ace & Aro Conference for the 50th Anniversay of the Stonewall Riots, as well as a previous Un-Conference for the community in New York City.

Ace Community Survey Team

Bauer joined the Ace Community Survey Team in 2015 and has helped it grow into an annual survey with 10,000+ respondents yearly and annual reports. She contributed heavily to the 2015 and 2016 reports and has continued to contribute whiles she focuses on the team's relationship with University researchers and IRB approval.

Ace Recommended

Ace Recommended is a website where people who identify as part of the ace spectrum can share recommendations with other ace community members, including physical and mental health practitioners, religious groups, and content creators, as well as anything someone would like to recommend to other community members. Bauer created this website and continues to update it.

Aro Recommended

Aro Recommended is the counter point to Ace Recommended, which Bauer also developed and then passed off to the Aro Community, so that it could be run by and for the community.


She is a contributor to the Project Recognize Grant at Northwestern University in their Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing.


Therapeutic Work

Bauer works as a therapist for those in the Ace & Aro, LGBTQ, polyamorous & ENM communities, along with familes, couples, polycules, groups and individuls. She runs ace and aro therapudic groups on an ass needed basis, and if you would like to join the waitlist please email her. You can see more on her About Me page.
Set up an initial consultation with Bauer here:

If that doens't work for you, you can also try this link here, or email me at Initial consultations are free for up to 20 minutes. Initial 45 minute, paid, sessions are also available.