Ace Therapeutic Groups

A common need for ace or aro people is to find and create community with one another. Many are interested in spaces created to explore their own identity, common challenges, hopes, and connection. For some, a local community group may be just what someone is looking for. For others, a more structured group can be desirable. Both are listed below.

Aces NYC

Aces NYC is a group of asexual people and allies who like to get together in person in and around New York City. Their website is Aces.NYC . Their events calendar can be found on Meetup.

Therapeutic Ace Groups

Therapeutic groups are different for a few key reasons:

Therapeutic groups can include some benefits that individual sessions cannot provide. Speaking with other group memebers can help build a sense of belonging and shared understanding. Ace and aro expereinces are still not commonly represented in society, media, nor most community spaces. The opportunity to hear multiple ace or aro perspectives on concepts and experiences can foster belonging and feeling like you are not alone. Where a social group may not dive into deeper topics and individual sessions do not include the sharing of another's personal experience, therapeutic groups can create a safer space to share, be heard, and hear others.

Join a Group

All group members must do an initial, free, chat with Bauer to assess mutual goodness of fit.
Set up an initial, free, 15 minute, consultation with Bauer here:

If that doens't work for you, you can also try this link here, or email me at Initial consultations are free for up to 20 minutes. Initial 45 minute, paid, sessions are also available.

Logistical Information:


Each group session costs $40 per session. Since groups are closed and no new members can join, all sessions, including misseed sessions require full payment. Sliding scale is available.

Health Insurance:

Group, and individual, sessions can be submitted for out of network health benefits. Coverage is dependent upon each insurance carrier.